
A Messanger from the stars

And if an ET had come straight from the future to help us to better understand not just the critical and unique (as many says) moments of transformations we are going through; but also what we should do, objectively, here and now, to better “align” ourselves with the new patterns of collective cosmic evolution?

Bashar is an “entity” canalized by Darryl Anka that, while helping us on such issue, also directly answers to questions on a large variety of subjects and topics, always on an affectionate, compassionate and humorous mood.

And it is just amazing how his messages corroborate and complement – as if on a more concrete, “mundane” level – the statements of Jesus and all the great spiritual leaders of humanity.

Worth checking out. Step aside your skepticism and distrust, and act as Saint Thome: prove for yourself the logic and coherence of his arguments and guidelines.

« Click here to access the content of Bashar’s live presentations.

Here I gather a more playful and/or unpretentious content, both for use on my free time and to support my moments of introspection, relaxation and meditation.

Timely, I intend to include some guitar songs and lirics, and maybe I start cataloging my own verses.

For now, I am still starting to include some links to the music I like. I hope you enjoy them as well!

diane krall

Diana Krall


John Lennon

dire strait

Dire Strait

jm jarre

Jean-Michel Jarre

And much more…

« Click here to access the Brazilian music.


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